

Paw Patrol Marshall Ultimate Fire Rescue Set


Put out the fire and save the day with PAW Patrol’s Marshall and the True Metal Ultimate Fire Rescue Set!
This exciting track set works with the PAW Patrol 1:55 scale True Metal vehicles (each sold separately) and includes an exclusive Marshall die-cast vehicle and detachable Ultimate Rescue Fire Truck launcher.
Load your exclusive vehicle into the fire truck, then slam to launch Marshall into action Marshall’s vehicle races around the water loop, putting out the flames on the other side!
To reset, simply lift the flames back up and loop to the rescue again and again! With working wheels, detach the Ultimate Fire Truck launcher from the track set and roll through Adventure Bay.
For even more high-speed fun, collect all of the PAW Patrol True Metal vehicles (each sold separately)! Loop to the rescue with the PAW Patrol True Metal Ultimate Fire Rescue Set!

12 in stock